What Do I Do If I Think My Fort Worth Home Has Termites?

termites crawling on wood

Pest control in Fort Worth is not without its challenges! Our climate is perfect for all sorts of creatures, not just humans. Unfortunately, that means that throughout the year, nuisance wildlife and pests ranging from insects to rodents and everything in between can make their way into our domiciles.

These pests are stingy squatters and make bad roommates, so we’re taking a look at how to avoid, diagnose, and eliminate an infestation of one of the area’s most consequential – and damaging – pests: the termite.

What Are The Signs Of Termites?

If you’re looking for evidence of termites in your home, you’re in luck. Damages caused by termites are far easier to locate and deal with than the insects themselves. This is because termites tend to remain out of sight, preferring the relative comfort of the dark spaces between walls or beneath floorboards.

Here are some of the signs to be on the lookout for in a home where termites may be present:

  • Drooping or sagging drywall.
  • Tiny, pin-sized holes in the wall.
  • Creaking floorboards that worsen rapidly.
  • Small grains that appear to be dirt appearing in the corners of a room. These could be termite eggs.
  • A ticking or grinding sound inside the walls, especially at night.

These signs are not hard evidence of termites, but taken together, paint a picture of a home that may be playing host to termites.

How Quickly Can Termites Destroy A House?

So, are termites dangerous to humans? Not directly. That is, they don’t view us as predators or prey. They don’t feed on us, or have much interest in us whatsoever other than our homes.

Termites in Fort Worth feed on wood pulp and other microbes found in wood (or anything made from paper materials). That means they digest the very structure of your home, and over a long enough period of time, can actually cause significant damage.

While an infestation isn’t likely to doom a home or its underlying structure in fast order, every month, and especially year, that passes is another measurable downgrade in a home’s integrity. If termites have their way with a home uncontested for, say, a decade, you can be sure of significant property damages.

Why Do I Have Termites In My House?

There are many kinds of termites, but the attracting factors that lead them into our homes are broadly the same across all species. In fact, the attracting factors are the same for many types of animals, including us: available food and shelter.

If you have adult termites on your property causing damage, it’s probably because there were, at one point, uncleared brush or something like firewood leaned up against the outside of your home. Standing sources of water, such as a puddle left from a hose that was left on, are excellent attractors of pests.

While it can happen by accident, following lawn care best practices will go a long way in deterring insects like termites from getting close to your home.

How Do I Get Rid Of Termites In My Home?

Termite removal is, unfortunately, largely out of the hands of homeowners. There’s really no chance, once an infestation has taken hold, that a homeowner can trap, release, kill, or deter enough termites to stop the infestation.

If your home has become the stomping grounds to a horde of termites, the proper course of action is to call in the pros. Any delay is simply more time the termites have to damage your home, and so acting quickly and calling Lonestar Safe Pest as soon as you see the signs of termite damage is critical.