7 Effective Termite Prevention Tips For Dallas Property Owners

Subterranean termites chewing wood

There are a few pests that Dallas homeowners need to worry about, but one of the most dangerous is termites. Termites are one of the worst pests because of the damage they cause and the expensive costs of repairs. We’ll get into it more below, plus some helpful tips for termite prevention.

Termite Behavior

Termites eat cellulose, found in wood. They live in large colonies that operate under a caste system. Here are the types of termites in a colony:

  • Worker termites are the main workforce, they build tunnels and find food, which they bring back to the colony.
  • Soldier termites protect the workers and the nest.
  • Alates, also called swarmers, are the only termites that can reproduce. During the spring, they fly out of the nest in order to mate and form new colonies.

Damage Caused By Termites

Because termites eat wood, they can be quite dangerous to American homes. In fact, it’s estimated that termites cause over five billion dollars of damage in the country each year.
A single home can see thousands of dollars go to termite repairs. Termites often eat the wooden structures of your home, damaging the structural integrity of your building.
A house with termite damage might have drooping walls, uneven flooring, and stuck doors and windows.

7 Termite Prevention Tips

Time to get into some preventative measures you can take to avoid seeing this kind of damage in your Dallas home:

  • Address moisture issues inside. Termites have an easier time eating damp and moist wood, so reducing the moisture levels in your home may reduce the attraction to termites.
  • Address moisture issues outside. You also need to control the moisture in the soil around your home. Termites build underground nests in damp soil, so it’s important to make sure that the soil near the exterior of your house has proper drainage and ventilation.
  • Minimize soil-to-structure contact. The closer the wood is to the soil, the more chance you have of a termite infestation. Reduce the direct contact between structures and soil to reduce your chances of termite trouble.
  • Practice proper wood storage. Store firewood on a raised platform away from the exterior of your home and keep any other wood away from soil and, if possible, away from the exterior of your home.
  • Focus on yard cleanup. Other debris in the yard, such as branches or even cardboard boxes, might attract termites. Keep your yard clean and dry to have the best chance of avoiding termites.
  • Fix damaged wood. Whether it’s on the inside or the exterior of your house, damaged wood is a feast for termites. Repair wood that has been damaged by storms or leaks as soon as possible.
  • Get ongoing help from Lonestar Safe Pest. We want to protect your home from termite damage, and we have the tools and experience to stop termites before they cause any damage.

Termites In Your Home

If you think that termites have already gotten into your home, it’s time to call for professional assistance. Every day that you ignore a termite problem is another day of expensive damage. Instead of trying ineffective DIY approaches to termite removal, let the experts come by.
Lonestar Safe Pest has the experience you need in professional pest control. We’ll help you protect your home from termites now and in the long run. Don’t put up with these pests and their damage. Call Lonestar Safe Pest for more information.